Import Bibliographical Data
The Import Bibliographic Data Assistant is displayed when you import bibliographical data from EndNote, Mendeley, RefWorks or Zotero. The options on the Assistant allow you to control how the reference data is imported.
Import Bibliographic Data Assistant steps
The information below provides a guide to using each step of the assistant.
Assistant step | Description |
Specify name and classification options |
Use the options on
this step of the Assistant to determine the name of the sources
that are created during import and to specify classification options..
Name sources by This option indicates how internal and sources will be named when they are created during the bibliographical data import process. You can choose to derive source names from:
Assign sources to This option indicates how sources will be assigned a source classification during the bibliographical data import process. You can choose:
Specify how reference records are handled |
Use the options on this step of the Assistant to determine the location of the internal and external sources that are created during the import process. You can also specify whether to import source content (where available) and whether to create linked memos. Under Location to create sources
You can choose to Import source content from file attachments, URLs and figures where available.
You can choose whether you want to Create memos from abstract, keywords and notes.
NOTE For each reference you import, NVivo checks whether a matching source already exists in your project—if there is no matching source, a new source is created. If a matching source already exists, then the reference is not imported, and the original source in your project is retained.